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Importance Of Deleting Twitter Account

Twitter is one of the popular social media outlet as it has numerous users in them but not all of them are normally active. People sign up in a social platform but not usually keep up with it hence it is advisable that if one created a Twitter account but has not been able to keep up with it he or she should consider closing the account. Being vulnerable to cyberbullying is possible when one is active on the social media therefore deleting ones Twitter account will avoid that. Among the effects of cyberbullying is that one can have psychological issues, depression and even posses suicidal thoughts as it is very toxic.

One of the other reason as to why one should also delete their Twitter account is when one never really got the hang of it but just created an account because it was a trend. Twitter is one of the platform that can be really hard to understand especially when someone is new on it and don’t understand how hashtags are used. Deleting one’s Twitter account and trying out some other social media platform is really advised especially when one did not understand how to use Twitter.

Being unable to be tracked by companies is a really good thing and one can only achieve this when they delete their Twitter account and the footprints created in the company database are also erased. When one deletes their Twitter account, they will not be able to see many of the advertisement from the company the followed popping up every time they using the internet. When one wants to keep their conversation private then Twitter might not be the best platform to do that unless they mutually follow each other , but if not the conversations might be viral.

One gets to interact with the world more based on the less time they take on the social media after deleting their accounts and focusing on socialising personally. We are all humans and sometimes we lose our cool over issues and this can make us send some mean tweets or post to other parties, in order not to be haunted by those acts, one might choose to just delete the entire account and start afresh. In case one has few followers as they would wished because they do not log in as often in order to be active, they might consider deleting their Twitter account for that matter. The reason as to why people tweet on a daily basis or some specific time is because they want to amass many followers and thus not delete their account.