Smart Ideas: Revisited
January 10, 2020
Various Roles Played by Prosthetics and Orthotics
Previously, several accidents have been witnessed. The kind of injuries that people acquire out of accidents are not predictable. Road accidents is the leading cause of injuries. Sometime workers in various industries may be involved in accidents as they operate the various kinds of machinery. Whenever an injury occurs, a person may lose part of his or her body. Different people with leg problems and some who have damaged limbs have sought for help in several hospitals. Paralysis is a condition that may arise as a result of an injury.
Other instances involve the loss of functionality of some body parts due to different conditions that may arise. Diseases such as polio affect limbs and the spine. When the body parts get extremely affected, there is a risk of losing the body parts. Instances of paralyzed body parts due to diseases may be experienced. Amputation may be necessary due to conditions such as the presence of cancer-causing cells. Following a surgical amputation people may experience several problems associated with the absence of a body part.
A field of medicine that specializes in offering assistance to people who have missing body parts exist. There exist a field of medicine known as prosthetics and orthotics that focuses on the provision of professional medical assistance to people without limbs or any other body parts. Well, a prosthesis is a little different from orthotics although they both help people without essential body parts such as limbs. The entire replacement of limbs with artificial ones is what is referred to as prosthetics. Conversely, orthotics involves the enhancement of body parts such as limbs, necks or spine. External braces also known as orthoses are used. Vital roles are played by the medical fields of prosthetics and orthotics.
To begin with, orthotics initiate healing of the body. Some accidents cause a lot of serious injuries. This injuries imply that people may experience intense pains. It is through fractures on limbs that injuries may manifest. A lot of time may be required before the fractures heal naturally. Some instances injuries heal but bones do not go back to their natural positions. With the use of orthoses, correct placement of the bones is realized. It is quite imperative that the orthoses help in fastening the healing.
The second role is that it helps in providing support to the person. People with no limbs encounter substantial difficulty when it comes to supporting themselves. It is through prosthetics and orthotics that such people can acquire the ability to stand.
The prosthetics and orthotics also help in aiding people to move. Motion is very important. A lot of difficulties is exhibited when people with no limbs try to move. Prosthetics and orthotics helps people without limbs acquire the functionality of their limbs. Prosthetics and orthotics is thus an important field in medicine because of the assistance it offers people.