– My Most Valuable Tips
January 28, 2020
Benefits of Member Associations
Member Associations are organizations formed to take care of the needs of professionals and allies or friends. On most occasions these are people who share common characteristics with each other. The similar features and traits therefore bring them together and encourage them to form such organizations. As a result, they are able to enjoy benefits from their membership. However, it is important to note that they have to pay subscription fees which is in most cases used to finance the associations as well as run the day to day activities. This article aims at outlining some of the various benefits enjoyed by members once they join these associations.
One very important benefit of joining member associations is the bargaining power that comes as a result. A single professional may not be in a position to fight for their professional rights from those to home it is due. In case of violation of their rights they are also not in a position to take action against the person violating them. Joining a member association therefore takes advantage of the strength that is found in uniting and coming together of the members. This makes lobbying for member rights as well as favors in several and various areas easier. It is therefore important that professionals come together in these associations for their own benefit.
Another important benefit of member associations is the opportunity to build social networks as a result of the membership. Networking is very crucial in our society today. Social capital is equally important to any other type of capital. Registering as a member of an association therefore creates a platform for an individual to meet people of their caliber and with whom they share the same interests, whether professionally or as a result of religion. This therefore enhances one’s networking ability and therefore better results as well.
Another very notable benefit of being part of a member association is the privilege to use the resources of the association which would have been expensive if it was possible for non-members. This is a benefit that members enjoy after registration. Sometimes it may not be entirely free but the members maybe in a position to use the resources at cheaper rates compared to non-members. This mostly applies whereby the association has assets that it can rent out to both members and those that are not. This is also a way of bringing income to the association.
Another benefit of member association is that they come in handy as a form of insurance in times of calamity for their members. When any members are faced with difficulties or any form of calamity, in most occasions the other members pool together resources towards helping their fellow member come through their time of difficulty. This is a very crucial factor for the members as it is likely get such services at lower rates than normal. Members of associations also enjoy the benefits of learning about their areas of specialization more than non-members do since these associations at times undertake special education programmes for members.