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Significant Statistics About Immigration and Economic Growth
There is no denying the fact that the United States was purely built on immigration as a primary idea ever since the early days of colonization up to the exciting times not just for diversity but growth too. But why does this topic tend to raise so much controversy most of the time especially with a lot of false assumptions being made about immigration especially on how it affects economic growth in the United States? First of all, everyone must understand and agree that immigration and economic growth go hand in hand which brings the need for people to study and familiarize with some of the statistics about the impact of immigration before forming an opinion about the whole issue. This useful is primarily meant to shed some light on what immigration is as well as how it helps to enhance economic growth not just in America but also any other country across the world today as a way of eliminating the controversy that most people associate it with most of the time.

When it comes to this subject, everyone seems to make immigrants their aspect of controversy all the time. Research shows that only about 3{524c0d59ef5fc562082d939ceb7990b2cf0fb0f51e3600b1a08f9eb113dfbbc8} of American immigrants are unauthorized but the rest live in the country legally either on work visas on the green card. Although most undocumented immigrants receive very little benefits from the government, most of them are great enough to still work and pay taxes which is encouraging at the end of the day. Research done by the Institution on Taxation & Economic Policy shows that unauthorized immigrants contribute .6 billion every year in taxes which means that even the small number of illegal immigrants in the states still contribute greatly to the government.

It is interesting to learn that immigrants in America make up about 28{524c0d59ef5fc562082d939ceb7990b2cf0fb0f51e3600b1a08f9eb113dfbbc8} of the entire population which roughly translates to almost 89.4 million people according to research done in 2018. The number of immigrants in the States, however, keeps fluctuating and the in-flux or out-flux of immigrants largely has to do with the current policy as well as economic issues. there is also no denying the fact that the immigrants do not just have a higher impact on population growth which has been the trend from the early 2000s but also exhibits higher productivity as well. In addition to ensuring faster growth of the population in the US, it is also vital to note that immigrants also bring in more innovation as well.