9 Lessons Learned:
July 30, 2019
Some New Drugs That You Should Know
You need to know that there are actually about 11,926 drugs all over the world. The reason why there are new drugs being created today is science and technology. But some studies show the rate will become higher in the future.
You should also know that the drug industry is attracting a lot of money. The projections for 2019 suggest that prescription drugs will be attracting about 844 billion dollars in profit. That is why you should introduce your drugs in the market also to get a lot of profit.
You need to know those profit incentives will allow the production of interesting drugs. That is why there are so many different street drugs out there today.
This article will provide you with some of the weird drugs that you can find in the market today, read more here now.
Scopolamine – this is the best drug usually for easy crimes. This drug is in powder form and comes from Scopolamine Datura. The drug is known to eliminate the free will of the users.
The drug has the potential to let the victim obey the commands of the criminal. The drug can control the mind and actions of the victim without any trace of memory.
The drug is normally used by people who want to control other people. You need to be aware of this type of drug in order to avoid being a victim.
Wet – this drug is one of the most dangerous in the world. It is known that the drug can actually compel the user to kill children.
The drug is also referred to as phencyclidine or angel dust. You need to know that the drug is usually associated with violent crimes. You should also know that the drug can give superhuman strength. The drug will also numb pain and provides hallucinations.
I-Dosing – this drug is actually commonly used by people each day via their ears. The user will listen to different frequencies so that the drug can provide a state of terror or brain confusion. The drug can actually alter the mental state of the user by using sudden changes of keys, tones, and volume. The variations will be stimulating the various parts of the brain.
Krokodil – this drug is one of the weird ones that you will ever find out there today. In 1932, it was approved to be a painkiller. But it was banned later because it gives dangerous consequences. The drug will cause the skin to dry out looking a lot like the skin of a crocodile.
Zolpidem – this drug is categorized as a hypnotic or sedative. The drug got an approval from the FDA in 1992. The drug focuses mainly on people that have sleep disorders. But you should know that overdosing this drug can lead to cancer.