5 Takeaways That I Learned About

The Passion for the Environment.

Many would ask why I should care for the environment. Why is it my business that I should be a concern with how I dump my trash? Well for most of us we really don’t care but it is supposed to be everyone’s responsibility because your small amount of pollution summed up with everyone else’s is just the pollution of the century. We don’t want our next generation to be walking around with gas masks because the air is polluted beyond breathable capacity. Moreover, I do not want my kids to be seeing photographs of certain animals and plants that are now extinct but they were present in my generation. The rate at which global warming is taking over is just depressing and alarming.

There is some good news though there are strategies that we can use to save our environment. The little you do will be felt in the long run. We do not only have to take care of our careers but also let us remember the environment we live in. It does not have to be the full time you can do it after work, make a small garden in your back yard, plant as many trees as you can, save on the energy that you release into the environment. Use the renewable resources that the environment has to offer; there are the sun, wind, water, waves and many other things that Mother Nature has offered to us for free. Let’s go green to help our environment build what little we have already torn apart. It is important that the effort starts at home, from us. You can also save the environment with your food choices. Did you know that abstaining from beef-eating can save the environment?

Well yes, it can because consumption of beef makes your body require a lot of water but if you do not eat or at the very least reduce your consumption of meat you will be able to save on water, gallons, and gallons of water, now imagine if millions of people do this then or once lack of water will no longer be a crisis. Water is not the only concern that we can take care of, being vegetarians is only the first step, and we need to be planting crops that are environmentally friendly. We have all heard of GMO foods, these foods do grow fast but they have very adverse side effects to the soil due to the number of chemical fertilizers that are used on them. The need to go green is ensuring that everything we use is in an intent to save the environment and that includes the soil. If we use only natural manure which is the animal deposits and the plants that have been decomposed we can ensure that our soil’s fertility is maintained. In turn, all the crops that we grow will be healthy and the cases of these deadly diseases will reduce since most of them are caused by the consumption of foods grown by chemicals.

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